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HashiCorp Podcast

HashiCast Episode 0 - HashiCorp Research

This episode of HashiCast highlights Jon Curry and Robbie Mckinstry from HashiCorp Research team.


HashiCorp Research

This episode of HashiCast highlights Robbie Mckinstry, and Jon Currey from HashiCorp Research team. Couple of years ago HashiCorp announced HashiCorp Research that aimed on helping to solve the frontier of problems for customers and users. This podcast will cover things like:

  • What HashiCorp Research is?
  • What is the workflow for a research driven project at HashiCorp?
  • What are some good approaches that are critical research?

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the postcast.

Intro Music: El Mariachi by The Greek Fandango Orchestra (Creative Commons)


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