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How Does HashiCorp Fit Into the Digital Transformation Conversation?

The digital transformation conversation is ultimately about enterprises trying to build more competent engineering practices and foundations so that they can compete with companies using more dynamic and agile technology environments that have been emerging. HashiCorp sees itself as an enabler for those enterprises.



We really think of ourselves as an enabler. We think infrastructure is not something that you see and touch. The applications are what you see and touch. But the enablers of innovation for much of the global economy come from solid infrastructure foundations. The applications that drive the world today are built upon the infrastructure foundation of the clouds.

We view our role as an enabler—and in that sense—we internally talk about the notion of infrastructure enables innovation' as our philosophy on the world. Our role is to be largely invisible but at the same time powering the applications we all use every day.

I think we sometimes don't recognize even in our day to day how much we touch these new systems of engagement that we talk about. We talk about how all the major brands we use have gotten good at building new digital applications to engage us to the point where it's commonplace.

As an infrastructure company, we think hard about what that looks like. If I take a taxi, I probably do it on my smartphone. If I buy a coffee at a restaurant, it's probably being done in some sense with an application. If I stay at a hotel, I book a hotel, that's a digital experience. If I take an airline flight, that's a digital experience. If I pay for that using a credit card, that is a digital experience. If I download music to listen to, that's a digital experience and I think the ubiquity of our products as enabling technologies means there’s a pretty good chance that some if not all those transactions went through our products.

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