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Suppliers @ HashiCorp

Welcome to HashiCorp's Suppliers site. Please review this information to understand how best to do business with us.

New Supplier at HashiCorp?

  • If you are a new supplier at HashiCorp, you will need to be enrolled within our supplier onboarding system, Coupa, in order for us to do business. Your HashiCorp business contact will initiate the new supplier onboarding process.

    • After the onboarding process has been initiated, suppliers will receive an email with a link from Coupa. Coupa will ask for information such as general company information, tax and banking information.

    • Coupa is HashiCorp’s purchase order and payment system. We require all of our suppliers to create an account to receive purchase orders, submit invoices and to check payment status. Please refer to the Supplier Guide to help you get registered. If you have any questions, please contact

  • For suppliers that also meet the criteria below you may be engaged for a Security and/or Privacy review. Such reviews need to be responded to promptly to ensure timely onboarding. 

  • A Supplier will be required to undergo a security or privacy assessment if the product/service:

    • Integration with an internal HashiCorp application or core HashiCorp product/platform and/or

    • Sharing, processing, or storing personal information of HashiCorp customers or personnel

Are Purchase Orders required to do business with HashiCorp?

  • Yes, a Purchase Order (PO) is required to do business with HashiCorp. If you have any requests from HashiCorp employees that are not accompanied by a purchase order please work with your HashiCorp business contact to get one issued prior to delivering any goods or services. Any invoices submitted without a PO will be rejected.

How do I submit invoices?

  • There are two ways to submit invoices to HashiCorp:

    • Through the Coupa Supplier Portal. Please refer to the Coupa Supplier Portal Guide that provides details on how to submit invoices and track payment status. Submitting invoices through the Coupa Supplier Portal is the preferred method to receive invoices. Submitting invoices this way allows for tracking of payment status and easy communication with AP.

    • Email the invoices directly to Please note that any invoices submitted via email to AP require the invoice to be manually entered by our AP team. Submitting invoices through this method may result in delayed payment.

  • Invoice submissions must include the following:

    • PO number(s)

    • Bill-to address

    • Ship-to address

    • Start/End dates (if applicable)

    • Product part numbers (if applicable)

    • Quantities (if applicable)

    • Description of products or services

    • Unit prices (if applicable)

    • Extended totals

    • Applicable tax or other charges

    • HashiCorp business requester name

If you are providing software or services, invoices must include (1) hourly rates, (2) service dates or date range and (3) in the case of maintenance services, copies of applicable signed service orders.

How will my invoice be paid?

During the Coupa onboarding process you will be asked to provide payment information. The information provided at this step will be used to make all payments for invoices. If your payment information changes, please log into the Coupa Supplier Portal and provide any updates needed.

When will my invoice be paid?

Unless otherwise agreed upon in an executed contract between the parties, HashiCorp’s standard payment terms are Net 60 days, based on our receipt of an accurate invoice following our process. Please note that if an invoice is submitted late the 60 days starts from the date the invoice is received by our AP team.

Existing Supplier but not in the Coupa Supplier Portal yet?

  • Email your Hashicorp business contact to ensure that they have completed the relevant supplier enrollment paperwork.

  • If your HashiCorp business contact has already completed the supplier enrollment paperwork and you have yet to receive an email from Coupa, please contact us at to follow up.

Have additional Accounts Payable or invoice related questions?

Please contact us at