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HashiCorp Nomad 0.10 General Availability

We're excited to announce the general availability of Nomad 0.10. Nomad is a flexible, easy-to-use, and performant workload orchestrator that deploys and manages containerized, non-containerized and batch applications. Nomad is widely adopted and used in production at scale by PagerDuty, Target, Citadel, Trivago, Pandora, and many more enterprise customers.

This release focuses on Consul Connect integration and storage features that enhance our support for advance networking with service mesh and stateful workloads. The major new features in Nomad 0.10 include:

  • Consul Connect Integration: Consul Connect is a set of features of HashiCorp Consul that provides service mesh capabilities. This integration allows seamless deployments of applications with sidecar proxies to enable secure service-to-service communication with mutual TLS. Read more here.

  • Network Namespaces: We introduced a new network model that enables users to define an isolated network for every task group within Nomad. This feature provides a better way to deploy applications in a secure fashion and allows applications to connect to localhost and use the sidecar proxy for ingress and egress traffic. Read more here.

  • Host Volumes: We expanded support of stateful workloads through locally mounted storage volumes. Host volumes enable volume-sharing between multiple groups using files that are already on the host. Read more here.

  • Web UI Enhancement: We enhanced operability with a new visual file system explorer for allocations.

»More Resources


Thank you to the community for providing feedback on the beta and release candidate versions of Nomad 0.10. The full list of changes can be viewed in the v0.10 changelog.

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