Announcing HashiConf 2015
We're having our first ever HashiConf September 28 and September 29, 2015 at the Gerding Theater at the Armory in Portland, OR. HashiConf is a conference dedicated to modern datacenter automation, from development to production.
The two day conference will have highly technical talks covering all our tools: Vagrant, Packer, Serf, Consul, Terraform, and Vault. Talks will range from tool introductions to advanced usage, and we'd like to invite talks about any other tools in the ecosystem as well.
And without saying too much, the keynote is an event you'll not want to miss.
Join us for this two day event this fall with the entire HashiCorp team and meet the smartest and most passionate HashiCorp users from around the world. Let's experience the future of the datacenter together.
» Conference Format
HashiConf is a two day, two track conference covering datacenter automation from development to production.
On both days, one track will be "Production." This track will cover all things focused on maintaining a production infrastructure. This includes Consul and Vault within the HashiCorp ecosystem, as well as topics such as scheduling, containerization.
On the first day, the first track will be "Development," covering all things development related. This includes Vagrant as well as any other tools necessary to develop applications today.
On the second day, the first track will be "Operations." This track will focus on operator tasks that don't necessarilly maintain the uptime of production. This includes Packer and Terraform, as well as topics such as continuous integration, deployment.
We're incredibly excited about this format. We'll focus on the full problem of going from development to production, but will go into detail about each step. There is something for everyone here.
» Tickets
Tickets are on sale now! You can purchase tickets here.
Early bird tickets are available for $200. These are limited both in quantity and time, so purchase these quickly before they run out. Once the early bird tickets are sold out, standard tickets will go on sale for $350.
Space is extremely limited, but we're excited to see the most passionate HashiCorp users at the conference!
» Call for Papers
The CFP is open today. Submit a talk.
We're inviting a handful of speakers that we'll be announcing over the coming weeks. The CFP talks will be reviewed all at once; they will not be accepted on a rolling basis. So take your time and submit a talk by July 1st, 2015.
We're looking for highly technical talks focused around the following themes:
- Development environments
- Development to production
- Modern service oriented architectures
- Challenges and solutions of a modern datacenter
- Security
- Deployment automation
- Infrastructure automation and management
- Work culture in a highly automated environment
- HashiCorp open source: Vagrant, Packer, Serf, Consul, Terraform, Vault
- Using Atlas with our tooling
» Sponsorship
We have a number of sponsorship packages available. We'll be posting them publicly to the website, but if you're interested in sponsoring, please email and we'll send you the prospectus right away.
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