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Video: Automatic drift detection in HCP Terraform

Infrastructure drift occurs when your infrastructure no longer aligns with the configuration specified in your Terraform state. HCP Terraform’s drift detection feature automatically identifies these inconsistencies and notifies you of any occurrences.

Once you’ve standardized on an infrastructure as code workflow using Terraform, what happens when something changes outside of that workflow? How do you know it happened, and how do you fix it?

Drift detection in HCP Terraform (formerly Terraform Cloud) performs automatic background health assessments to continuously identify infrastructure drift. With configurable notifications via email, Slack, Microsoft Teams, or custom webhooks, drift can be proactively remediated, reducing the risk of costly outages.

Learn about drift detection

0:00 - Intro

0:49 - Enable health assessments

1:10 - Configure notifications

1:27 - Identify drift

2:11 - Remediate drift

2:36 - Find drifted workspaces

2:58 - Learn more

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