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Using HashiCorp Vault to Secure Kubernetes

At Google Cloud Next '18 in San Francisco, our founder and CTO, Armon Dadgar, was invited to give a talk with Google Cloud Developer Advocate, Seth Vargo, to discuss how to use Vault with Kubernetes.


Learn how to secure Kubernetes with Vault

HashiCorp Vault is a popular tool for secrets management, but can it be used with Kubernetes? The first part of this interactive demo-driven talk showcases how to run Vault as a service on Kubernetes. We will walk through different deployment architectures and strategies for making sure Vault is run securely on Kubernetes. The second part of this talk focuses on how applications and services interact with Vault. We will discuss the implementation details and tradeoffs for authenticating pods and services to Vault to retrieve dynamic credentials like database passwords and Google Cloud Platform IAM credentials. Attendees we leave with an understanding of how to operationalize Vault inside Kubernetes and how to expose Vault secrets to Kubernetes applications and services.

Additional Resources

Interested in learning more about using Vault on Google Cloud? Watch the webinar with Seth Vargo of Google and Jeff Mitchell of HashiCorp about some of the integrations now available.

HashiCorp Vault + Google Cloud: Creating and Managing Dynamic Secrets

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