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Securing Kubernetes Applications with HashiCorp Vault

Get a look at 3 simple usage patterns for Vault with Kubernetes.


The applications that run in Kubernetes need more than just static secrets management most of the time, which is where Vault can help. Vault manages a wide array of secure sources of information: - API keys - Database credentials - And it can also manage certificates and encrypt information in transit and at rest.

The biggest value though is its ability to bring all this together in an intuitive workflow.

In this demo from DevOps TV, HashiCorp developer advocate Nic Jackson is going to walk through how Vault integrates nicely into your Kubernetes workflow.

The demo begins at 9:25 after a quick look at the 'why Vault?' question and after a high-level overview of Vault's architecture.

The demo will will walk through: - 3 simple usage patterns - How to migrate Kubernetes secrets into Vault - How to use Vault to generate x509 certificates - How you can use Vault as encryption as a service to secure data at rest.

For tutorials on all the methods for Vault+Kubernetes integrations, visit this HashiCorp Learn track.

More resources like this one


Introduction to HashiCorp Vault

Vault identity diagram

Why should we use identity-based or "identity-first" security as we adopt cloud infrastructure?


5 best practices for secrets management

2/3/2023Case Study

Automating Multi-Cloud, Multi-Region Vault for Teams and Landing Zones