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Operating jobs at scale with Nomad

Explore the challenges that developers and operators face as both scale and organizational complexity increase and how Nomad helps organizations overcome these hurdles.

Alex Dadgar, Nomad Expert at HashiCorp

A key motivation for adopting a cluster manager is that it can drastically increase the productivity of both operators and developers. From a developer standpoint, cluster schedulers enable jobs to be deployed and updated dramatically faster than traditional VM based strategies and provide a consistent, self-service user-experience.

Operators benefit from the fact that a cluster manager acts as a base infrastructure on top of which many types of applications can be launched and managed. This allows a small team of operators to provide infrastrure to many teams and developers over large fleets of machines confidently.

In this talk we will explore the challenges that developers and operators face as both scale and organizational complexity increase and how Nomad helps organizations overcome these hurdles.


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