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Improving Terraform Code Quality

HashiCorp developer advocate Kerim Satirli demos some tools that can help you improve the quality of your Terraform code.


This video recording from the Kochi / Bangalore HUG virtual meetup includes a talk on the Kubevirt project in the first half, and a talk on Terraform code quality tools in the second. The video above is timestamped to begin at the second talk, where you'll learn about several native, community, and GitHub-sourced tools that make maintaining Terraform infrastructure code quality much easier.

Repo for This Talk

Find the code for this talk in this GitHub repo.

Terraform Code Quality Tools Covered

1:04:36 — Terraform's built-in features

1:08:36 — TFLint

1:13:13 — Git hook management tool: Pre-commit

1:18:50 — GitHub Actions


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