Is Immutable Infrastructure Feasible?
Paypal engineer Kamal Muralidharan gives some helpful advice in his session weighing the trade-offs of mutable vs. immutable infrastructure, as well as real-world use cases and best practices.
There are a lot of benefits of immutable infrastructure, but it also comes with various challenges. In this talk, Kamal Muralidharan goes over various use cases of immutable infrastructure, along with the benefits and challenges. Finally, he'll show how to use Terraform can be used to build an immutable infrastructure and mitigate some of its challenges.
This talk was part of the first HashiTalks online event—A 24-hour continuous series of presentations from the worldwide HashiCorp User Group (HUG) community and from HashiCorp engineers as well. The event took place from February 21-22, 2019.
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