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HashiCorp VirtualDays: Asia Pacific 2020

Watch several talks from HashiCorp and customer speakers focused on automating and accelerating your cloud migration journey securely across dynamic infrastructure.

HashiCorp VirtualDays: Asia Pacific was a 2-hour virtual event dedicated to the HashiCorp community, a space for collaboration, connection, and education around the HashiCorp tools and products: Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, Vault, Consul, and Nomad. Watch the video above for the complete event, or watch recordings of the indvidual talks by exploring the link list below:


Remote Culture at HashiCorp

Moving to a Microservice World: Leveraging Consul on Azure

Unlocking Cloud with GitOps with Terraform and Sentinel

Keeping a Secret with HashiCorp Vault

Rapid Infrastructure: Terraforming Your Datacenter

Modern Scheduling for Modern Applications with Nomad


More resources like this one


Introduction to HashiCorp Vault

Vault identity diagram

Why should we use identity-based or "identity-first" security as we adopt cloud infrastructure?


Advanced Terraform techniques

3/15/2023Case Study

Using Consul Dataplane on Kubernetes to implement service mesh at an Adfinis client