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HashiCorp Vault Configuration as Code via HashiCorp Terraform: Stories From the Trenches

Learn how to move your Vault configuration into Terraform for management while avoiding the pitfalls.

With each passing month, the HashiCorp Vault provider for Terraform gets better and better, allowing a configuration-as-code approach for most of Vault's features. Hippo Technologies is a Terraform shop, and they were quite excited to able to use Terraform in their Vault configuration workflow.

What You'll Learn

In this talk, Andrey Devyatkin will share their journey—what went well and not so well. Also: learn what you should consider before you start. Finally, he will look into how to incorporate security ops (e.g. secret engine credentials rotation) and configuration as code approaches. After attending this talk, you will have a good idea of where to start if you decide to move your Vault config to Terraform as well as what challenges are ahead.


More resources like this one


Introduction to HashiCorp Vault

Vault identity diagram

Why should we use identity-based or "identity-first" security as we adopt cloud infrastructure?


Advanced Terraform techniques


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