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SE Hangout

From Zero to WOW! with HashiCorp Nomad

Learn how to use Nomad from installation to scale with canary deployments


HashiCorp Nomad is an easy-to-use, flexible workload orchestrator that intelligently deploys and manages heterogeneous workloads (Containers, VMs, Windows, Linux, batch apps) using a single, unified workflow. It can drastically reduce costs by using bin packing to efficiently schedule jobs, which significantly improves infrastructure utilization.

For a video presentation of a 20 minute application setup on Nomad published in 2021, visit Deploy Your First App with HashiCorp Nomad in 20 mins

In this solutions engineering hangout, Russ Parsloe shows seven different demos taking users from Nomad installation, to running and scaling your first jobs, to using Consul and Fabio to automate more steps, and concluding with a canary deployment.


0:00 — Introduction to Nomad

15:54 — Demo: Download Nomad and install

19:30 — Demo: Running Nomad, running your first job

26:14 — Demo: Scaling up your applications in Nomad

27:23 — Demo: Making jobs dynamic to prevent collisions

29:42 — Demo: Using dynamic variables, using Consul on Nomad

34:13 — Demo: Running Fabio with Nomad

39:05 — Demo: Canary deployments with Nomad

47:00 — Q&A


  • How would you map a dynamic Nomad port to a static port in a container?

  • Does Nomad have a way to run serverless apps like AWS Lambdas or GCP Cloud Functions?

  • Is there any other way apart from Consul for dynamic ports?

  • How many Nomad clients can you run with a single Nomad server cluster?

  • Is it possible to specify which Nomad client you deploy a job to, or does Nomad automatically choose the best?

Additional resources

More resources like this one

3/15/2023Case Study

Using Consul Dataplane on Kubernetes to implement service mesh at an Adfinis client


Introduction to Zero Trust Security


10 Things I Learned Building Nomad-Packs


A New Architecture for Simplified Service Mesh Deployments in Consul