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Partner Tier: Premier

Traefik Labs

Traefik Labs develops a cloud-native networking stack that eliminates the complexity of managing and scaling containerized-applications enabling developers and operations teams of all sizes to build, deploy, and run modern applications quickly and easily.

Cloud Verified

  • Consul
  • Vault

Enterprise Verified

  • Consul
  • Vault
Traefik Labs Logo
Traefik Labs Logo



consulConsul integration with Traefik

Traefik natively integrates with Consul to dynamically reconfigure its routing through the use of the integrated KV store or the Consul Catalog.

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vaultVault & Traefik Configuration Discovery

Traefik Enterprise supports Vault as a key-value store for certificate management

vaultVault & Traefik Certificate Resolver

Vault as a certificate resolver, allowing it to dynamically generate certificates on the fly.

vaultHCP Vault & Traefik Certificate Resolver

Traefik Enterprise can use HCP Vault as a certificate resolver, allowing it to dynamically generate certificates on the fly.

vaultHCP Vault & Traefik Vault Provider

The Vault provider allows Traefik Enterprise to use TLS certificates stored in HCP Vault using the KV Secrets Engine v2.

consulConsul and Consul Catalog as configuration providers for Traefik

Traefik v2.6 supports a namespace filter in our Consul KV and Consul Catalog integrations which allows users to target specific namespaces when running Consul Enterprise.

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consulTraefik Proxy support for Consul Enterprise and HCP Consul

Traefik Proxy 2.6 adds the first round of support for Consul Enterprise and the HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP). This includes an experimental implementation of the namespace feature for the Consul K/V and Consul Catalog providers. This feature allows you to specify a target namespace other than the default namespace when connecting to Consul.

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nomadNomad integration with Traefik

With the latest version of Nomad 1.3 and Traefik Proxy 2.8, Nomad can now use Traefik for load balancing, dynamic routing configuration, and ingress traffic routing using the new Nomad Provider.

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Product Types

consulConsul integration with Traefik

Traefik natively integrates with Consul to dynamically reconfigure its routing through the use of the integrated KV store or the Consul Catalog.

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vaultVault & Traefik Configuration Discovery

Traefik Enterprise supports Vault as a key-value store for certificate management

vaultVault & Traefik Certificate Resolver

Vault as a certificate resolver, allowing it to dynamically generate certificates on the fly.

vaultHCP Vault & Traefik Certificate Resolver

Traefik Enterprise can use HCP Vault as a certificate resolver, allowing it to dynamically generate certificates on the fly.

vaultHCP Vault & Traefik Vault Provider

The Vault provider allows Traefik Enterprise to use TLS certificates stored in HCP Vault using the KV Secrets Engine v2.

consulConsul and Consul Catalog as configuration providers for Traefik

Traefik v2.6 supports a namespace filter in our Consul KV and Consul Catalog integrations which allows users to target specific namespaces when running Consul Enterprise.

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consulTraefik Proxy support for Consul Enterprise and HCP Consul

Traefik Proxy 2.6 adds the first round of support for Consul Enterprise and the HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP). This includes an experimental implementation of the namespace feature for the Consul K/V and Consul Catalog providers. This feature allows you to specify a target namespace other than the default namespace when connecting to Consul.

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nomadNomad integration with Traefik

With the latest version of Nomad 1.3 and Traefik Proxy 2.8, Nomad can now use Traefik for load balancing, dynamic routing configuration, and ingress traffic routing using the new Nomad Provider.

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