HashiTalks 2021 Highlights: Vault
Watch these highlighted talks on HashiCorp Vault from our 2021 HashiTalks community event.
In the first HashiTalks 2021 highlights blog, we shared a handful of talks on HashiCorp Vagrant, Packer, Boundary, and Waypoint, as well as a few product-agnostic sessions. In the second highlights blog, we showcased Nomad and Consul talks. Today, we are sharing most of our HashiCorp Vault-focused talks from the event.
As we publish more talks from HashiTalks 2021, we hope you benefit from the high-quality technical content produced by our community. We will continue to post newly prepared session videos in the HashiCorp Resource Library with full abstracts for each talk along with slides for some.
» HashiCorp Vault
Secure Your Multi-Cloud Delivery Pipeline with HashiCorp Vault
Vincent Poilvert walks through the example of a company that needs to deploy infrastructure securely to its private cloud and to multiple AWS accounts.
Serverless Secrets with HashiCorp Vault
Gabe Maentz demos Vault secrets management in serverless apps running on each of the major serverless platforms: AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions.
Ephemeral Cloud Infrastructure for Acceptance Tests at Pluralsight with Terraform Enterprise & Vault
Wes Novack shows how online education company Pluralsight builds shared libraries for .NET and Node.js integrated with Vault clusters and uses Terraform Enterprise, GitLab, Make files, and shell scripts to deploy new versions of its libraries to EC2, Kubernetes, and AWS Lambda.
Building a Fast-Moving, PKI Compliance-Centered Environment at Scale with HashiCorp Vault and Consul
Tomas Gustavsson shares his proof of concept for security and compliance at scale using Consul for service mesh, secrets from Vault, and certificates from EJBCA.
Don't be Afraid of CSI: How Critical TechWorks Orchestrates Stateful Apps with Nomad
José Maia and Carlos Cunha of Critical TechWorks (a BMW company) showcase their Container Storage Interface (CSI)-based process for Nomad deployment, which includes Vault for secrets management.
Secure Your Terraform Deploys in GitLab-CI with HashiCorp Vault
Mehdi Laruelle provides a demo showing how you can secure credentials in a Terraform and GitLab-CI workflow using Vault.
HashiCorp Vault and Getting Day 2 Operations Right
Kevin Tuffner teaches the engineering patterns for a strong cloud security posture around Day 2 operations (after architecting and deployment) with HashiCorp Vault.
Stop the (Password) Insanity! — Managing Credentials with HashiCorp Vault
Juan Peredo gives a short intro to Vault credential management and then shows how to modify a small microservices application to make use of it.
A Nomadic Vault: Secrets for Schedulers and Runtimes
Anthony Burke walks through various orchestration security scenarios and demonstrates how to streamline security operations no matter what flavor of Nomad or Vault you use.
John Boero shares his experimental project that makes it simple to adopt HashiCorp products by mapping basic REST API functions to FUSE filesystems.
HashiStack Loopback: How Does HashiCorp Use the HashiStack?
Jeffrey Hogan of the HashiCorp Engineering Services group shares how his team uses each of the HashiCorp products in their tool stack.
Sachin Gowda explains how to build a scalable and dynamic hyperledger fabric PKI with Vault and consul-template
How the Dynamic Duo of Vault and Puppet Tame SSL Certificates
Nick Maludy demonstrates how he's automated PKI deployment using Vault and Puppet to distribute centrally signed certificates.
Creating a Node.js App that Records and Retrieves Secrets from Vault
Rod Anami shows how to build a simple Node.js app that uses the Vault API to authenticate itself through AppRole.
Improving HashiCorp Vault Security with Data Visualization
Martez Reed steps through the code he uses to collect and visualize secrets access data from Vault.
Run Vault on Raspberry Pi and Unseal with Hardware
HashiCorp Ambassador Pato Arvizu demonstrates how to run Vault on unconventional hardware like Raspberry Pi and how to manage unseals using physical hardware such as fingerprint scanners or RFID cards.
Using Vault with a Laravel App in OpenShift
Anand Capur uses a Vault Agent running in a sidecar pod on OpenShift/Kubernetes to retrieve secrets and provide them to a PHP Laravel app.
How to Store Secrets—and When You Need Them—in HashiCorp Vault
HashiCorp Solutions Engineer Guy Barros walks through our Vault adoption path and the Vault reference architecture.
Integrating HashiCorp Vault & Active Directory: Pretty Fly for a Windows Guy
Paul Lerner walks you through a simple method for integrating Vault with Active Directory and Azure Key Vault.
How Secure are Your Sensitive Values in Terraform? Common Pitfalls of Scale Factory's Clients
Marko Bevc, a senior DevOps consultant at The Scale Factory, shows you how to make your security practices “shift-left” by securely managing sensitive values, passwords, and keys in the Terraform provisioning cycle with Vault.
Edge Security in Untrusted IoT Environments
Issac Goldstand explores how he uses HashiCorp Vault to secure his cloud-based customer resources which need to be accessed from edge devices on untrusted hardware and untrusted networks.
» More HashiTalks Highlights
In the coming weeks, we'll finish our HashiTalks highlight roundup blog series with our sessions on HashiCorp Terraform. For highlights of our HashiCorp Boundary, Waypoint, Packer, and Vagrant HashiTalks, visit our first highlights post. For highlights of our HashiCorp Consul and Nomad HashiTalks, visit our second highlights post.
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