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Recorded Webinar

Zero Trust Security: Managing a Complex Cloud Environment in the Public Sector

The migration to cloud means teams and organizations are rethinking how to secure their applications and infrastructure. Any cloud environment makes it more complex to know and control which users and systems can access applications and data. This truth applies whether a government maintains a single private cloud, a hybrid private and public cloud, or multiple cloud environments.

Advanced zero trust security offers a core model for managing access to applications and data, especially across diverse cloud environments. Join us to discuss the implications of the zero trust model within the Public Sector.


  • What Zero Trust security means
  • The challenges of multi-cloud zero trust security
  • How to enable scalable, dynamic security across clouds
  • The impact of multi-cloud security in the Public Sector

Agenda (ET)

  • 2:00PM - 2:05PM Introductions
  • 2:05PM - 2:45PM Zero Trust Security Overview
  • 2:45PM - 3:00PM Q&A


Tim Olson
Tim Olson

Sr. Solutions Engineer, HashiCorp