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Recorded Webinar

Snapshots: Securing access to Kubernetes with Boundary

Like other systems, Kubernetes Service Accounts can quickly get out of control and their privileges be abused. It is imperative to keep these secure, but how can you do that and also provide the access your operators need? In this session, we'll show you how you can use Vault to dynamically generate Kubernetes Service Accounts for operators to log into Kubernetes via HashiCorp Boundary.

Snapshots Agenda (SGT/AEDT)

  • 10:30 SGT / 13:30 AEDTWelcome and Introduction
  • 10:35 SGT / 13:35 AEDTDemo
  • 10:50 SGT / 13:50 AEDTQ&A
  • 11:00 SGT / 14:00 AEDTEnds



Jamie Wright
Jamie Wright

Sr. Solutions Engineer, HashiCorp