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Recorded Webinar

Dynamic Secrets Management

With distributed teams working in hybrid environments, platform and security teams have trouble reducing their risk of security breach. 90% of breaches start with a stolen credential and escalate into lateral movement and infiltrated information. Today, many organizations don’t have a centralized way to securely manage the lifecycle of their credentials consistently across different environments. For example, many credentials are static and long-lived, which dramatically increases the risk of a breach. Plus, there is oftentimes little control on limiting user access to the resources of which the credentials are used.

In this webinar, attendees will learn how HashiCorp Vault improves security lifecycle management by finding unsecure secrets with Vault Radar,enabling more secure dynamic secrets, and how HashiCorp Boundary provides more advanced credential workflows and reduces risk by connecting authorized users to machines in a more secure and streamlined manner.

Discover more episodes from our security series here.

Watch the recorded webinar

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David Mills
David Mills

Senior Technical Product Marketing Manager, Vault

Van Phan
Van Phan

Technical Product Marketing Manager, HashiCorp