Video Recordings from HashiConf 2018: Keynotes and Breakout Sessions
HashiConf 2018 was our biggest HashiCorp event yet. The sessions were full, the hallway discussions were lively, and the excitement about the products and new features was palpable (check out this round of applause for richer HCL error messages, for example).
However, the strength of HashiConf has always been its community and its speakers, and this year's lineup did not disappoint. Today, we are excited to share all of our keynote and breakout session video recordings from HashiConf 2018. Each of the pages linked below will soon have an edited transcript in addition to the video recordings.
» Day One
Opening Keynote Segment: Learn Platform — Armon Dadgar, HashiCorp
Opening Keynote Segment: Vault 1.0 — Armon Dadgar, HashiCorp (Tags: Vault)
Opening Keynote Segment: Cruise Automation and Vault — Brian Nuszkowski, Cruise Automation (Tags: Vault)
Opening Keynote Segment: Vault Advisor — Armon Dadgar, HashiCorp (Tags: Vault)
Opening Keynote Segment: Nomad Use Cases — Armon Dadgar, HashiCorp (Tags: Nomad)
Opening Keynote Segment: CircleCI and Nomad — Robert Zuber, CircleCI (Tags: Nomad)
Opening Keynote Segment: Nomad 0.9 — Armon Dadgar, HashiCorp (Tags: Nomad)
Opening Keynote Segment: Consul Connect and Consul 1.4 — Mitchell Hashimoto, HashiCorp (Tags: Consul)
Opening Keynote Segment: Terraform 0.12, Free SaaS Tier, HCL2 — Paul Hinze, HashiCorp (Tags: Terraform)
Opening Keynote Segment: New integrations - Kubernetes, Private Data Centers, Community — Mitchell Hashimoto, HashiCorp (Tags: Consul, Nomad, Terraform, Vault)
Opening Keynote Segment: The State of HashiCorp — Dave McJannet, HashiCorp
Consul: Service Mesh for Kubernetes and Beyond — Paul Banks, HashiCorp (Tags: Consul)
A Fully Containerized Platform Based on Infrastructure as Code — Rick Rackow, eBay Classifieds Group (Tags: Consul, Nomad, Terraform, Vault, Packer, Vagrant)
Securing Autonomous Vehicles and the Humans Who Build Them — Brian Nuszkowski, Cruise Automation (Tags: Vault)
Scaling Vault to Your Whole Organization — Brian Kassouf and Calvin Leung Huang, HashiCorp (Tags: Vault)
How Terraform Will Impact the 2018 US Elections — Nicholas Klick and Dan Catlin, ActBlue (Tags: Terraform)
Nomad at Target: Scaling our Microservices Across the Public and Private Cloud — Suresh Krishnan and Daniel Parker, Target (Tags: Consul, Nomad, Terraform, Vault)
Day Two Kubernetes: Tools for Operability — Bridget Kromhout and Zachary Deptawa, Microsoft (Tags: Terraform, Packer)
Manage SSH with HashiCorp Vault — Erik Rygg, HashiCorp (Tags: Vault)
Glooing and Sqooping Your Monolith-microservice-serverless Environment — Idit Levine, (Tags: Consul)
Security and Scheduling Are Not My Core Competencies, And I Bet They Aren’t Yours Either — Robert Zuber, CircleCI (Tags: Consul, Nomad, Vault)
Vault as a Platform for Enterprise Blockchain — Jeff Ploughman, Immutability LLC (Tags: Vault)
Creating a Terraform Provider for Just About Anything — Eddie Zaneski, DigitalOcean (Tags: Terraform)
You. Must. Build. A. Raft! — Sarah Christoff, Cloudreach (Tags: Consul)
A Secure, On-Demand, and Scalable Machine Learning Engine — Andrea Gallego and Allen Chen, The Boston Consulting Group (Tags: Consul, Nomad, Terraform, Vault, Packer)
Ansible and HashiCorp: Better Together — Dylan Silva, Red Hat, and Sean Carolan, HashiCorp (Tags: Terraform)
Day One Closing Keynote: Infrastructure as Code in the Real World — Brendan Burns, Microsoft (Tags: Terraform)
» Day Two
Day Two Keynote: Organizing for Innovation - How We Succeed at Amazon — Jeff Barr, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Day Two Keynote: Terraform is Changing the World — Paul Hinze, HashiCorp (Tags: Terraform)
Demo: Auto Unseal for Vault Open Source w/ Kelsey Hightower — Kelsey Hightower, Google (Tags: Vault)
A Tour of Terraform 0.12 — Kristin Laemmert, HashiCorp (Tags: Terraform)
Provisioning a Multi-tenant CSP Agnostic Cloud Platform for the Federal Government — Mike Augustine, Blackstone Federal (Tags: Consul, Terraform, Vault, Packer)
Painless Password Rotation with HashiCorp Vault — Sean Carolan, HashiCorp (Tags: Vault)
Nomad 0.9 - Advanced Scheduling Features, Plugins and More — Preetha Appan and Michael Schurter, HashiCorp (Tags: Nomad)
Integrating Consul Connect with HAProxy — Baptiste Assmann, HAProxy Technologies (Tags: Consul)
Winning with Terraform Enterprise - How Ellie Mae Delivers "Everything as Code" Using Terraform Enterprise — Anthony Johnson and Scott Winkler, Ellie Mae (Tags: Terraform)
10 Lessons Learned From Writing Over 300,000 Lines of Infrastructure Code — Yevgeniy "Jim" Brikman, Gruntwork (Tags: Terraform, Packer)
Conducting a Large Scale Infrastructure Migration Using Terraform — Krishnan Chandra, Reddit (Tags: Terraform)
A Consul Story: To 20,000 Nodes and Beyond — Michael Stewart and Rangan Prabhakaran, Bloomberg LP (Tags: Consul)
A Tale of Application Development for the HashiCorp Stack — Nicolas Corrarello, HashiCorp (Tags: Consul, Nomad, Vault)
High Performance Content Distribution — Konstantin Wilms and Abhishake Pathak, Deluxe Entertainment (Tags: Consul, Nomad, Terraform, Vault, Packer, Vagrant)
The Magic of Friendship: The Google Provider’s New Approach to Terraform — Dana Hoffman, Google, and Paddy Carver, HashiCorp (Tags: Terraform)
Powering Arcade Machines with Terraform — Erik Veld, Instruqt (Tags: Terraform)
From Physical Hosts/DCs to Containers with Consul and Connect — Pierre Souchay, Criteo (Tags: Consul)
Singularity Containers for Enterprise Performance Computing (EPC) — — Eduardo Arango, Sylabs Inc. (Tags: Nomad)
Preventing Security Incidents By Automating Policy Optimization — Robbie McKinstry and Jon Currey, HashiCorp (Tags: Vault)
Scalable Continuous Integration with Nomad and Docker — Wyatt Anderson, Oscar Health Insurance (Tags: Nomad)
Closing Keynote: Irresponsible Responsibility — Seth Vargo, Google (Tags: Terraform, Vault)
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