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Infrastructure Provisioning

Infrastructure as code to enable and accelerate cloud adoption

Your challenge

Cloud adoption requires organizations to shift from provisioning and managing static infrastructure to dynamic infrastructure across public clouds. 

The implication of dynamic infrastructure means IT operations teams must now provision and manage an infinite volume and distribution of services, embrace ephemerality, and deploy onto multiple target environments. This leads to many new challenges: 

  • Central IT struggles with slow, error prone manual workflows.
  • Developers are stymied by manual workflows and slow ticketing systems.
  • Lack of consistent policy enforcement negatively impacts productivity and risk.
  • Infrastructure automation isn’t scalable or reusable.

HashiCorp helps you overcome these issues through infrastructure as code for provisioning, compliance, and management across public clouds, private data centers, and third-party services.

Automate infrastructure provisioning on any cloud

With HashiCorp Terraform, provisioning and security can be automated based on infrastructure and policy as code. Infrastructure and policies are codified, shared, managed, and executed within a workflow that is consistent across all infrastructure. 84% of organizations surveyed in the HashiCorp 2023 State of the Cloud Survey listed this as a critical factor in determining the success of their multi-cloud strategy.

HashiCorp Products used
  • Terraform
  • Packer


  • 1

    Increased productivity

    Reduce time spent using manual workflows to create, share, manage, and provision cloud infrastructure.
  • 2

    Reduced risk

    Improve security posture, reduce non-compliance, and maintain operational consistency for cloud infrastructure.
  • 3

    Reduced cost

    Reduce unnecessary cloud spend by up to 40% from idle, orphaned, and over-sized cloud resources.

Terraform makes it quick and easy to stand up essential infrastructure to support both our DevOps pipeline and containerized environment by automating everything via a code base

Ryan McCaul
Lead Cloud Architecture and Automation at TMX Group

Drive consistent and automated provisioning workflows


Infrastructure provisioning automation

Write, share, manage, automate

Enables teams to write, share, manage, and automate any infrastructure using reproducible workflows.

  • Compose. Infrastructure as code integrated with VCS for versioning and tracking of configurations.
  • Collaborate. Enable operation teams to create, share, update, and destroy infrastructure.
  • Reuse. Enable self-service IT that allows developers to provision their desired infrastructure within their own workflows. 

Infrastructure management system

Visibility, security, compliance, cost optimization

Enforce policies on the type of infrastructure created, how it is used, and which teams get to use it with HashiCorp’s Sentinel, our policy as code framework. Since it is defined as code, Sentinel fosters collaboration and enables comprehension across DevSecOps teams. Automated policy enforcement ensures compliant changes without manual review bottlenecks.

  • A single easy-to-integrate configuration, used to manage public/private cloud and local datacenters.
  • Cloud-agnostic products that eliminate vendor lock-in to take advantage of credits and competitive pricing.
  • Consistent workflow to reduce time-to-on-board vendors, support new lines of business, and integrate new cloud workspaces.
  • Single workflow to secure, govern, and audit infrastructure across all types of cloud environments.

Cloud infrastructure automation ecosystem

Easily integrate with existing technologies

Enable self-service IT that allows developers to provision their desired infrastructure within their own workflows. Decoupling template-creation and provisioning processes greatly reduces the time it takes for applications to go live.

  • Increase productivity using a library of infrastructure modules for technical and non-technical end-users.
  • Reduce risk with Sentinel policies automatically enforced against every request.
  • Increase adoption by integrating with VCS, CI/CD pipelines, and ITSM interfaces to enable developers to use their existing workflows to provision with Terraform.

    Introduction to HashiCorp Terraform

    Learn about the basics of Terraform, what it is, and how it works in this informative whiteboard video.

    Armon Dadgar avatar

    Armon Dadgar

    Co-founder and CTO, HashiCorp

    Want to learn more?

    Terraform Cloud provides infrastructure automation as a service, is free to get started, and has in-place upgrades to paid option.