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Why Is Replication an Important Feature of Vault?

Replication is used in Vault to bring higher performance to your secrets management clusters and to provide disaster recovery backups.



Modern organizations operate in multiple datacenters, and often on multiple cloud providers. It's important that your secrets management system can support multiple clouds and multiple different environments. This is where replication comes in.

Replication is a feature of Vault Enterprise that allows you to expose your secrets in any datacenter or any cloud environment in a safe and secure way.

Secrets are where you need them

If you have a password or some sort of a credential, secret key, you might want to deploy that into your datacenter, or you might want to deploy it into a cloud environment. Traditional secrets management systems do not have replication, so you're stuck with the problem of, How do I get these secrets from my on-premises datacenter into the cloud in a safe way?

Vault solves this problem with replication. You can have multiple Vault clusters in different environments, and each one of those locations will contain all your secrets replicated in real time. If you have a datacenter or a cloud environment on the East Coast and another one on the US West Coast, perhaps one in Europe, each and every one of those datacenters, or cloud environments, can have all of the secrets available to the local applications that need them. This is called Vault Replication.

The 2 kinds of replication

Replication comes in two flavors: performance replication and disaster recovery replication. Performance replication means fast access to all of your secrets, wherever you need them, and disaster recovery replication ensures that if you lose an entire datacenter or an entire Vault cluster, you could quickly failover to your disaster recovery Vault cluster without having any interruption in service.

Replication enables multicloud deployments of applications in an easy and straightforward way.

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