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Recorded Webinar

How to Use HashiCorp Vault with Hiera 5 for Secret Management with Puppet

In this webinar, Peter Souter demonstrates how to use HashiCorp Vault for secrets management while using Puppet as the configuration management software.


  • Peter Souter
    Peter SouterTechnical Account Manager, HashiCorp

Puppet is one of the most mature and widely used config management tools out there. But one question comes up time and again: where and how do I store secrets in Puppet code? HashiCorp Vault safely manages your secrets in an automated and secure way.

In this webinar, Peter Souter demonstrates how to use HashiCorp Vault for secrets management while using Puppet as the configuration management software.

Watch to learn how to:

  • How to install and configure Vault using Puppet
  • How to use the custom Hiera backend to communicate with Vault
  • Best practices to ensure secrets are kept in your Puppet runs
  • When to manage secret information with Puppet and when to do manage secrets natively with tools such as consul-env or consul-template

Additional resources:

GitHub repository

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