Announcing the new Terraform Associate 003 Certification exam
Learn how HashiCorp’s updated Terraform Associate certification impacts your current and future Terraform Associate credentials.
Since its launch in 2020, more than 20,000 people have passed our HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (002) exam to demonstrate their capabilities using Terraform at an associate level. Individuals who hold the Terraform Associate 002 certification have shown they know the basic concepts, skills, and use cases associated with open source HashiCorp Terraform.
HashiCorp Terraform as a product has evolved since 2020, while incremental updates to our exams have kept the content in the (002) exam relevant and accurate. However, our subject matter experts concluded that it was time to overhaul the exam’s organizational structure to align with the product’s current state and future growth. To learn more about what’s changed, navigate to the “Which exam to take” section of the new HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003) page. There you will also find more details about the new exam, including how to sign up.
» Timeline
(Update: May 19,2023) The new HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003) exam is now available!
As of May 19, the Terraform Associate 002 exam is retired, and no new or rescheduled appointments can be made.
» Both credentials are valid until they expire
All unexpired HashiCorp Certified badges remain valid and relevant. The expiration date of a badge only proves validity, not which version someone holds. We encourage our community and their employers to treat both badges equally.
HashiCorp will be issuing new credentials (badge and certificate) for the Terraform Associate 003 exam. If you already hold a (002) certification, there is no rush for you to pass the (003) version until your current badge expires. However, if you’d like to have both, you can take Terraform Associate 003 as soon as you are ready.
» Start studying today
We’re excited to bring you the new HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003) exam, and we have curated several resources to help you prepare. You can find all of these resources on HashiCorp Developer.
- Study guide: For those just starting out with Terraform who want to learn everything needed for the exam.
- Review guide: For those already familiar with Terraform who need to review specific topics.
- Sample questions: For everyone who wants to be prepared for the types of questions on the exam.
For more information about HashiCorp Cloud Engineer Certifications, visit the certification home page on HashiCorp Developer or head to our certification Knowledge Base to get answers to your top questions.
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