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Major Release for All HashiCorp Terraform Utility Providers

We've begun releasing new versions of Terraform's utility providers that deprecate support for Terraform 0.11.

We have begun introducing new major releases for all Terraform Utility Providers maintained by HashiCorp. As announced last year, to continue improving the providers and moving them forward alongside Terraform, these releases will deprecate support for Terraform 0.11.

HashiCorp’s utility providers include some of Terraform’s highly-popular utilities that practitioners rely on to enhance workflows. For example, terraform-provider-random generates random values, useful for appending naming a new “random pet” name to your newly-created resources, while terraform-provider-external is useful for integrating Terraform with a system for which a first-class provider does not exist.

Terraform utility providers

We’ve started closing issues reported with 0.11 versions of Terraform that are not reproducible in TF 0.13 and beyond. As we release new versions across these providers, running terraform init will only download new versions of the provider if you are running TF 0.12 and above.

Recommended actions

If you are unable to upgrade to the latest version of Terraform and are currently using Terraform 0.11, consider pinning the version of the providers that you currently use to guard against any breaking changes. If you are using pinned versions of the providers, no changes are needed, as we won’t be making modifications to any currently released versions of the provider. If you currently use Terraform 0.12 or above, everything will continue to work as it does for you today. For more information about upgrading to TF 0.13, consult this guide

If you encounter issues before, during, or after the deprecation of Terraform 0.11 support, please open an issue on your preferred provider repository. If you are a current HashiCorp customer, we recommend that you also reach out to

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