New Terraform Tutorial: Deploy Infrastructure with the Terraform Cloud Operator for Kubernetes
Learn how to use the Terraform Cloud Operator for Kubernetes to manage the infrastructure lifecycle through a Kubernetes custom resource.

New Terraform Tutorial: Use Application Load Balancers for Blue-Green and Canary Deployments
Learn how to use application load balancers for blue-green and canary deployments with this new tutorial on HashiCorp Learn.

New Terraform Tutorial: Module Creation - Recommended Pattern
This HashiCorp Learn tutorial will teach you about our recommended enterprise patterns for modules so that you can apply them to your organization’s workflows.

New Terraform Tutorial: Automate Terraform Cloud Workflows
Learn how to leverage the Terraform Enterprise (TFE) provider to automate your Terraform Cloud workflows

New Terraform Tutorial: Lock and Upgrade Provider Versions
Learn to manage your provider versions with this new tutorial on HashiCorp Learn.

New Terraform Tutorials: Automate Terraform Workflows with CircleCI or GitHub Actions
We have updated our tutorials on integrating Terraform with CircleCI and GitHub Actions.

New Terraform Tutorials on Using and Creating Custom Terraform Providers
Learn how to create a custom Terraform provider with this new collection of Terraform tutorials on HashiCorp Learn.

Learn to Inject Secrets Into HashiCorp Terraform Configuration using Vault
Use Vault-generated dynamic credentials to provision infrastructure. Learn how to inject secrets into your Terraform configuration using the Vault provider.

New Terraform Tutorials on Provisioning and Managing Kubernetes Clusters
Explore a new collection of Terraform tutorials that can help you through your Kubernetes adoption journey.