Load Balancing Strategies for Consul
This post discusses a few common strategies for load balancing with Consul in microservice architectures.
Transparent Data Encryption in the Modern Datacenter
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is a technology coined by Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle to encrypt databases on the filesystem. TDE attempts to solve the problem of protecting data at rest, encrypting databases both on the hard drive and consequently on backup media. It does not protect data in transit, nor data in use. Organizations often employ TDE to solve compliance issues which require the protection of data at rest.
Building a Vault Token Helper
Vault is an open source tool for managing secrets. Earlier we showcased how Vault provides Encryption as a Service and how to build custom Vault plugins. This post explores a lesser-known feature of Vault Open Source and Vault Enterprise: token helpers.
Building a Vault Secure Plugin
Vault is an open source tool for managing secrets. Earlier we showcased how Vault provides Encryption as a Service and how New Relic trusts HashiCorp Vault for their platform. This post explores extending Vault even further by writing custom auth plugins that work for both Vault Open Source and Vault Enterprise.
Managing Google Calendar with Terraform
Terraform is an open source tool for managing Infrastructure as Code. Earlier this year, we showcased how Terraform pushes the boundaries on the traditional definition of "infrastructure", enabling users to Manage GitHub Teams and Permissions with Terraform. This post explores extending Terraform even further by writing our own custom extension for managing events on Google Calendar.
Upcoming Provider Changes in Terraform 0.10
Since 2014, Terraform provider growth has been explosive. At Terraform's initial launch, there were less than ten providers. Today, there are nearly 70 builtin providers that ship with Terraform and countless more are distributed as plugins by the community. Community is and will continue to be the core of Terraform's adoption and success. We are excited to share our future plans for the Terraform provider ecosystem, starting with Terraform 0.10.
HashiCorp Vault 0.7.3
We are proud to announce the release of HashiCorp Vault 0.7.3, which includes a number of exciting new features, improvements, and bug fixes, as well as some security updates.
HashiCorp Terraform 0.9.8
Today we are pleased to release Terraform 0.9.8 which includes a number of exciting new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
HashiCorp Terraform 0.9.5
Today we are releasing Terraform 0.9.5 which includes a number of exciting new features, providers, improvements, and bug fixes.
HashiCorp Consul 0.8.2
Today we are releasing Consul 0.8.2 which includes a number of improvements and bug fixes.
HashiCorp Terraform 0.9.4
Today we are releasing Terraform 0.9.4 which includes a number of exciting new features, providers, improvements, and bug fixes.
Managing GitHub with Terraform
Learn how to use Terraform to manage GitHub organizations, repositories, teams, and permissions.
HashiConf 2017 and Texas "Bathroom Bill"
We recently announced HashiConf 2017 in Austin, TX. The Texas Senate passed Senate Bill 6 (SB6), which targets transgender individuals by requiring they use the bathroom of the gender designated on their birth-certificate. HashiConf is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form.
Version-Controlled Infrastructure with GitHub & Terraform
Learn how to integrate Terraform and GitHub to version control your infrastructure as code.
Vault on the Changelog Podcast
I had the privilege of joining Adam Stacoviak on the popular Changelog podcast to talk about Vault and modern secrets management. Vault allows users to centrally store, secure, and tightly control access to secrets across distributed infrastructure, applications, and humans.
Cloud Foundry Vault Service Broker
We are pleased to announce the release of the official Cloud Foundry HashiCorp Vault Service Broker. This service broker connects to an existing Vault cluster and can be used by multiple tenants within Cloud Foundry to securely store, access, and encrypt using Vault.
HashiCorp Consul v0.7.4
We are pleased to announce the release of Consul v0.7.4. This release includes several new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
HashiCorp Vault v0.6.5
We are pleased to announce the release of Vault v0.6.5. This release includes several new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
HashiCorp Nomad v0.5.3
We are pleased to announce the release of Nomad v0.5.3. This release includes several new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
HashiCorp Consul v0.7.3
We are pleased to announce the release of Consul v0.7.3. This release includes several new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
Spotlight: Consul KV CLI
The recent release of Consul 0.7.1 included a number of exciting new features. One powerful new capability is the addition of a full-featured CLI for interacting with Consul's key-value store. This blog post explores the new Consul KV CLI with some great examples and techniques.
Codifying Vault Policies and Configuration
One of the pillars behind the Tao of HashiCorp is "Automation through Codification". Recently I had the pleasure of participating in some very thoughtful discussions on whether Vault embodies that principle, specifically as it relates to Vault's configuration and policies. This post discusses techniques for capturing your Vault policies and configurations in source control, providing repeatable workflows, continuous integration of policy testing, and much more.
Using HashiCorp's Vault with Chef
One common challenge organizations face when integrating Vault by HashiCorp in their infrastructure is how to fetch secrets from Vault using a configuration management tool. This blog post details a few techniques for retrieving secrets from Vault using Chef, but the topics can be broadly applied to any configuration management software such as Puppet or Ansible.

Serving Static Sites with Fastly, S3, and Middleman
In November we announced our partnership with Fastly to power the new HashiCorp releases service. Since then, we have expanded our use of Fastly to front all of our static sites. You may have noticed subtle frontend and backend changes to our various websites - this post details the steps we took to migrate our static sites to Fastly.

HashiCorp + Fastly
We are very excited to announce our new strategic partnership with Fastly, one of the most popular modern CDN services. In addition to providing a rock-solid service, they are proponents of open source software, and we are very excited to work with them at HashiCorp.
HashiConf 2015 Wrap Up
On behalf of the entire HashiCorp team, I want to say thank you for an amazing HashiConf 2015. This blog post details some of the key highlights including the post-conference survey results. It has been a week since HashiConf 2015 first began, but we are already hard at work planning for 2016! We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback, and we are very excited to share them with you today. But first, some housekeeping notes.

Using Vault with Consul Template
Today we announce first-class support for Vault in Consul Template. Consul Template is a key tool for generating configurations and managing infrastructure, and we believe that Vault is going to change the way organizations think about and manage their secret data. As such, we are building first-class support for Vault in Consul Template. This allows users to seamlessly integrate secret data into the configurations.

Introducing Consul Template
Today we are releasing Consul Template, a standalone application that is packed full of amazing new features. Consul Template queries a Consul instance and updates any number of specified templates on the filesystem. As an added bonus, Consul Template can execute arbitrary commands when a template update completes.