All posts by Samantha Banchik

HCP Vault adds 3 new observability integrations and HTTP streaming
HCP Vault gains 3 new observability integrations with AWS Cloudwatch, Elasticsearch, and New Relic, as well as a generic HTTP endpoint for flexible metrics streaming.

Multi-secondary performance replication is now available on HCP Vault
HCP Vault Plus clusters can now have more than one additional performance secondary cluster per primary cluster within the same cloud provider.

Advanced Data Protection (ADP) now available in HCP Vault
HCP Vault Plus clusters add support for all three ADP secrets engines, including KMIP, Key Management, and Transform.

Sentinel and control groups now available in HCP Vault
HCP Vault Plus Clusters add support for Sentinel policies and control groups.

HCP Vault on Microsoft Azure Now in Public Beta
In addition to its availability on AWS, HCP Vault can now be deployed on Microsoft Azure infrastructure.