New Terraform Tutorial: Terraform Data Sources
Learn how to query remote data sources with Terraform in this new tutorial added to HashiCorp Learn.

New Terraform Tutorial: Terraform Outputs
Learn how to output data about your infrastructure.

New Terraform Tutorial: Sensitive Input Variables
A new tutorial on HashiCorp Learn shows how to protect sensitive data with Terraform.

New Terraform Tutorials on Count and For Each
Learn how to manage multiple resources or modules with Terraform using count and for_each with two new hands-on tutorials.
Learn How to Import Infrastructure Into Terraform
Learn how to import existing infrastructure into Terraform with the terraform import command.
Connect Terraform Workspaces with Run Triggers: New Tutorial
Configure and use run triggers with Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise by following a new hands-on tutorial. You will set up a run trigger between an example set of workspaces to deploy a network and application in sequence.
New Guides for Terraform Modules
The Terraform Education team has created a new track to help you learn to use and write Terraform Modules.