A brief history on how to secure your workflow for job deployments in Nomad
A lot of HashiCorp users and employees love our whole suite of products, but like with your grandmother, it’s almost impossible not to have one slight predilection over one of our creations (says the favorite grandchild). In my case, my predilection for HashiCorp Nomad is quite evident, to the point of being a running joke among the European team. I think not a single customer meeting goes by without someone saying "yeah, that’s Nomad, Nico’s favorite product…".
Continuously Integrating Policy Into Vault
Whenever adopting any new software products, there are always operational considerations. Particularly in the case of HashiCorp Vault, HashiCorp’s centralized secrets management solution, is a double edge sword, where the security is only as good as the governance around it
Understanding the Performance Overhead of Encryption
Every modern application has a requirement for encrypting certain amounts of data. The traditional approach has been either relying on some sort of transparent encryption. While this clearly minimizes the requirement for encryption within the application, it doesn’t secure the data from attacks like a SQL Injection, or someone just dumping data since their account had excessive privileges, or though exposure of backups.