All posts by Ansgar Mertens

CDKTF 0.20 improves implementation of iterators and enables HCL output
CDK for Terraform 0.20 improves the existing implementation of iterators, allowing developers to handle complex scenarios related to dynamic resource creation.

CDKTF 0.19 adds support for config-driven import and refactoring
CDK for Terraform 0.19 adds support for importing existing resources with auto-generated configuration in CDKTF projects.

New multi-language docs simplify CDK for Terraform adoption
Multi-language provider documentation is now available on the Terraform Registry with code samples to provision and define cloud infrastructure.

CDK for Terraform 0.14 Makes it Easier to Use Providers
Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (CDKTF) 0.14 makes it easier to add and upgrade Terraform providers.