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Announcing New HashiCorp Consul Integration for AppDynamics

Today, HashiCorp joined the AppDynamic’s integration partner program launching a new integration for the AppDynamic CNS Platform and HashiCorp Consul. AppDynamics CNS is now able to ingest telemetry data from Consul agents and leverage the information to build custom dashboards that monitor the health of services. By utilizing this information, paired with AppDynamics’ application monitoring capabilities, organizations can now have greater visibility into the health and performance of their deployments in any environment.

»How it works

The integration with AppDynamics CNS is based on Consul’s ability to aggregate and send telemetry data. Consul’s telemetry data consists of a number of key metrics for monitoring the health of a cluster. Metrics emitted by Consul include transaction timing, leadership changes, memory usage, and network activities. To get started with this integration, users need to have the AppDynamics Machine Agent installed and configured for standalone mode and have added a statsite binary to the monitors folder in the agent. From there, users just have to configure the Consul telemetry stanza:

    "telemetry": {
        "statsite_address": "localhost:8125"

With this addition, Consul will feed the telemetry data into the AppDynamic’s Machine Agent for users to monitor or add to their custom dashboards.

»What it means

This integration is a starting point that shows how pairing Consul with APM tools helps users gain greater oversight of both application and network performance. As organizations transition towards microservices, it becomes more important to consider observability and ensure that there is a process to identify potential break points. We appreciate the partnership with AppDynamics and look forward to continued collaboration.

For more information about Consul, please visit our product page.

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