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Recorded Webinar

Securing your infrastructure with Terraform

Episode 1: Addressing Provisioning Skills Gap, Reusing Infrastructure, and setting up Dynamic Provider Credentials

Join us for an upcoming webinar to hear more from experts on how you can use Terraform to:

  • Address the provisioning skills gap with:
    • Infrastructure as Code with HCL and CDK
    • Connect to VCS
    • Remote Ops
  • Reuse infrastructure for consistency
  • Mitigate the security risks of storing long-lived credentials and avoid the operational burdens of manually rotating them via Dynamic Provider Credentials

This session will run for about 30 minutes with time for live Q&A afterwards.

For more on the 'Securing your infrastructure with Terraform' webinar series, visit us here.

Watch the recorded webinar

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  • 9:00 - 9:05 AM Welcome & Introductions
  • 9:05 - 9:30 AMPresentation & Demo
  • 9:30 - 9:45 AMQ&A


Carlos Esteban Rodero
Carlos Esteban Rodero

Solutions Engineer, HashiCorp